Digital Media Technologies Inc. v. Netflix Inc.: A Case Study in Copyright Infringement


Introduction to Digital Media Technologies Inc. v. Netflix Inc.

Digital Media Technologies Inc. (DMTI) v. Netflix Inc. is a case study in copyright infringement. The case was heard in the United States District Court for the Central District of California in 2019. The case involved DMTI, a company that owns the copyright to a movie, and Netflix, a streaming service that was accused of infringing on DMTI’s copyright. The case was ultimately decided in favor of DMTI, with Netflix being ordered to pay damages for copyright infringement.

Background of the Case

DMTI is a company that owns the copyright to a movie called “The Last Jedi”. Netflix is a streaming service that allows users to watch movies and television shows on demand. In 2018, Netflix began streaming “The Last Jedi” without obtaining a license from DMTI. DMTI then filed a lawsuit against Netflix, alleging copyright infringement.

The Court’s Decision

The court found that Netflix had infringed on DMTI’s copyright by streaming “The Last Jedi” without obtaining a license. The court ordered Netflix to pay damages to DMTI for the infringement. The court also ordered Netflix to cease streaming “The Last Jedi” without obtaining a license from DMTI.


The case of Digital Media Technologies Inc. v. Netflix Inc. is a clear example of copyright infringement. The court found that Netflix had infringed on DMTI’s copyright by streaming “The Last Jedi” without obtaining a license. The court ordered Netflix to pay damages to DMTI for the infringement and to cease streaming “The Last Jedi” without obtaining a license from DMTI.


Q: What was the case of Digital Media Technologies Inc. v. Netflix Inc. about?
A: The case was about copyright infringement. DMTI, a company that owns the copyright to a movie, filed a lawsuit against Netflix, alleging copyright infringement. The court found that Netflix had infringed on DMTI’s copyright by streaming “The Last Jedi” without obtaining a license.

Q: What was the outcome of the case?
A: The court ordered Netflix to pay damages to DMTI for the infringement and to cease streaming “The Last Jedi” without obtaining a license from DMTI.

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