Exploring Evening Courses at Carlow Institute of Technology


Exploring Evening Courses at Carlow Institute of Technology

Carlow Institute of Technology (CIT) offers a range of evening courses for those looking to further their education or gain new skills. Evening courses are a great way to fit learning into a busy lifestyle, as they are usually held in the evenings and can be completed in a shorter period of time than a full-time course.

What Evening Courses are Available?

CIT offers a range of evening courses in a variety of disciplines, including business, computing, engineering, health and social care, hospitality and tourism, and science. Courses range from short courses of a few weeks to longer courses of up to a year.

How to Apply for an Evening Course

Applying for an evening course at CIT is easy. You can apply online or in person at the CIT Admissions Office. You will need to provide proof of your qualifications, such as a copy of your Leaving Certificate or equivalent. You will also need to provide a personal statement outlining why you are interested in the course and what you hope to gain from it.

Benefits of Evening Courses

Evening courses offer a number of benefits, including the flexibility to fit learning around your existing commitments. They also provide an opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge in a short period of time, and can be a great way to boost your career prospects.


Carlow Institute of Technology offers a range of evening courses in a variety of disciplines, making it easy to fit learning into a busy lifestyle. Applying for an evening course is easy, and there are a number of benefits to be gained from taking one.


Q: What evening courses are available at CIT?
A: CIT offers a range of evening courses in a variety of disciplines, including business, computing, engineering, health and social care, hospitality and tourism, and science.

Q: How do I apply for an evening course?
A: You can apply online or in person at the CIT Admissions Office. You will need to provide proof of your qualifications, such as a copy of your Leaving Certificate or equivalent, and a personal statement outlining why you are interested in the course and what you hope to gain from it.

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