Exploring the Latest Trends in Cloud Computing Technology at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science


Exploring the Latest Trends in Cloud Computing Technology at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science

The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom 2017) was held in December 2017 in Hong Kong. The conference was attended by leading experts in the field of cloud computing technology and science from around the world. The conference provided a platform for researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest trends in cloud computing technology and science.

Key Topics Discussed at the Conference

The conference focused on a range of topics related to cloud computing technology and science. These included cloud computing architectures, cloud computing security, cloud computing applications, cloud computing services, cloud computing performance, cloud computing economics, and cloud computing standards. The conference also discussed the challenges and opportunities associated with cloud computing technology and science.

Highlights of the Conference

The conference featured a number of keynote speakers, including Professor David G. Messerschmitt from the University of California, Berkeley, Professor Rajkumar Buyya from the University of Melbourne, and Professor Michael R. Lyu from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The conference also featured a number of panel discussions and workshops.


The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science provided a platform for researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest trends in cloud computing technology and science. The conference featured a number of keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops. The conference highlighted the challenges and opportunities associated with cloud computing technology and science.


Q: What topics were discussed at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science?

A: The conference focused on a range of topics related to cloud computing technology and science, including cloud computing architectures, cloud computing security, cloud computing applications, cloud computing services, cloud computing performance, cloud computing economics, and cloud computing standards.

Q: Who were some of the keynote speakers at the conference?

A: The conference featured a number of keynote speakers, including Professor David G. Messerschmitt from the University of California, Berkeley, Professor Rajkumar Buyya from the University of Melbourne, and Professor Michael R. Lyu from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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